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Allow buff waypoint sprites to be disabled

bones_was_here requested to merge bones_was_here/buffs_optional_waypoints into master

Currently, controlling buff waypoint visible distance with g_buffs_waypoint_distance doesn't really work as the waypoint info is still networked and client settings override the server cvar. The client g_waypointsprite_normdistance defaults to 512 so the distance effectively can't be set lower than that, and players can use g_waypointsprite_normdistance 999999 to make them visible at any distance which is not really fair on those who don't know about it.

This change avoids networking the waypoints if the distance is set to 0. Toggling takes effect immediately and no new cvars are required.

It might be possible to optimise the case of random buffs respawning in the same place with waypoints enabled - I noticed the waypoints seem to spawn with the old buff type, and then get updated to the new type.

Edited by bones_was_here

Merge request reports