LMS updates
It addresses some of the points of #2419
- periodically show waypoints for leaders for a few seconds (by default they spawn every 30 seconds, randomized 25 / 35 so that it's less predictable)
- increase player respawn delay based on the number of lives less than the leader (only with 3 or more players)
- attackers receive a fraction of health removed from enemies based on the number of lives less than the enemy
- HUD panel showing number of leaders and an icon when leaders are visible and lives difference
Merge request reports
added Topic: Gamelogic label
My main concern with this is the use of waypoints; there is usually some justification for placing a waypoint above the player's head (e.g. when holding an objective item, such as a flag), that is some form of external source that provides the waypoint.
This on the other hand is arbitrarily placing waypoints above random players with no special item or objective... by this logic, it should be possible to always have waypoints above players.For that reason, I believe it would be better to show their location by some other means, possibly with the radar, or with some new approach to location revealing (e.g. showing the player through walls for a couple of seconds).
Apologies for taking so long to re-address this... seeing as no-one else has provided any feedback, I'd just like to add that after some thought on the subject, it may add a new dynamic for players to hunt down the leader, so this change is favourable in my opinion.
Will need to playtest a bit, but going to give it a serious review soon.Edited by Mario- Resolved by terencehill
The console is spammed by
Adding score to unknown player!
messages when using a Hagar combo attack on players.
added 1126 commits
2109167b...aecd4e7b - 1123 commits from branch
- 4e21f418 - Merge branch 'master' into terencehill/lms_updates
- c90dc836 - Reimplement commit a484f02b "LMS: don't show "respawning in x seconds" after...
- 5da84c42 - Fix "Adding score to unknown player!" warning
Toggle commit list-
2109167b...aecd4e7b - 1123 commits from branch
mentioned in issue #2612 (closed)
added 57 commits
fa4af2d8...3361c3ad - 56 commits from branch
- 63f7bff4 - Merge branch 'master' into terencehill/lms_updates
fa4af2d8...3361c3ad - 56 commits from branch
As mentioned in the referenced issue, a lot of this comes down to bikeshedding; everyone has a different idea of how LMS should be fixed, making it very difficult to agree on which approach is the best.
Regardless, I've performed an update to the branch to resolve merge conflicts so that it can be properly reviewed.mentioned in issue #2640 (closed)
I still havn't got any play testing done with these features because I forgot about the no spectating issue being of the reasons I had not been hosting LMS, so !923 (merged) was a prerequisite but does not merge cleanly with this yet.
added 133 commits
63f7bff4...318ea8d3 - 130 commits from branch
- 9e1288f6 - Prepare LMS code for an cleaner merge (no actual change)
- d0723d5d - Merge branch 'master' into terencehill/lms_updates
- 5a9d7e1c - LMS: make leaders glow so they are immediately recognizable
Toggle commit list-
63f7bff4...318ea8d3 - 130 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- e39a8ec9 - LMS: make leaders glow so they are immediately recognizable
All 3 features seem to work fine tbh but I have a few gripes.
Leaders themselves have 0 indication that the waypoints are being displayed. While this makes it easier for hunters to hunt campers and runners it will create situations where the leaders will feel like they got cheated as they were about to turn a corner only to get greeted by a wallhacked prefire shot straight in the face with nothing they can do about it except not turn the corner. I feel like the leaders should have an indication that their position is being displayed to others so that there's skill in being able to make do with the waypoint on your head. I also feel like the waypoint should be way more frequent if the leader knows when the waypoint is on them and when it ends.
The vampiric effect works well but in CA and LMS where players spawn with 200&200 health&armor it's the same as they'd spawn with 400 health. The vampiric effect only restores health and with the max hp of 200 surviving just with vampiric is nearly impossible at any higher levels due to 200 hp being depleted with 2-3 shots. For example 1 rocket, grenade and rail as direct hits deal 80+55+80=215 and they can be landed in a very quick burst if there's any distance covered by the attacking player, the slower rocket hits nearly at the same time as the nade and then the rail which isn't even 0.5s after the nade has landed. And this completely ignores weapons like electro and hagar with stupidly high burst damages. If the vampiric effect would be able to also restore armor (70% armor restore 30% health restore? I assume the g_balance_armor_blockpercent could be checked in lms code for less hardcoded behavior) struggling players could be able to regain their stacks so that they aren't basically oneshotable anymore and this wouldn't have a change in "constant damage exchanges" like if 2 players were to arc each other.
I also feel like the dynamic respawn time should have a max respawn time limit. If there's a game with 50 lives and someone is at 40 lives when lowest is at 30 it makes their respawn time be 2+(3*10)=32 whole seconds, they might as well go refill their water glass or something while waiting for over half a minute to be able to continue.
Edited by Dr. JaskaLeaders themselves have 0 indication that the waypoints are being displayed.
I could add the stalemate indicator from CTF.
I also feel like the waypoint should be way more frequent if the leader knows when the waypoint is on them and when it ends.
I could add settings to tweak how often they are displayed and also add a random number of seconds every time so that it's less predictable.
The vampiric effect only restores health and with the max hp of 200 surviving just with vampiric is nearly impossible at any higher
It's consistent with other similar vampire effects (g_vampire, g_buffs_medic) that only restore health and indeed it's harder to survive that way, IMHO it's a good thing because otherwise good players would have too much advantage and stay alive too long.
I also feel like the dynamic respawn time should have a max respawn time limit. If there's a game with 50 lives and someone is at 40 lives when lowest is at 30 it makes their respawn time be 2+(3*10)=32 whole seconds, they might as well go refill their water glass or something while waiting for over half a minute to be able to continue.
Indeed, we could add a limit. However keep in mind that in a situation where a player is losing badly a long respawn delay helps him to stay in game longer, in other words it reduces the time the player has to wait until the end of the game once he's out.
Suggestions for a default respawn delay limit?
Thanks for the feedback.
- Resolved by LegendaryGuard
"Reposting" for visibility from Matrix where I replied ~instantly due to being away from home and any PCs but available on mobile.
I could add the stalemate indicator from CTF.
Whatever that's visually distinct and visible but not view blocking and lasts exactly the waypoint's duration is good.
It's consistent with other similar vampire effects (g_vampire, g_buffs_medic) that only restore health and indeed it's harder to survive that way, IMHO it's a good thing because otherwise good players would have too much advantage and stay alive too long.
Good players would rarely get into that situation for what I can see unless they afk or nowadays join late. And the vampiric effect won't carry them forever as it's tied to being down in lives. If they are good enough to survive with vampiric only then they could survive otherwise too by hiding/running but their ability to engage in fights doesn't exist without vampiric. They can still continue avoiding fights and running forever which is ass in LMS and unfun to most players.
Indeed, we could add a limit. However keep in mind that in a situation where a player is losing badly a long respawn delay helps him to stay in game longer, in other words it reduces the time the player has to wait until the end of the game once he's out. Suggestions for a default respawn delay limit?
While longer respawn time is most of the time objectively better it can be seen as unfun forced wait between combats, like boring loading screens. 20s default max time?