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Scoreboard stuff

terencehill requested to merge terencehill/scoreboard_stuff into master
  • Hide accuracy panel until there is some stats to display
  • Hide accuracy panel if it's too far down
  • Delay 2 seconds display of the accuracy panel after the scoreboard but only if its position is low on the screen (with cvars for delay and position)
hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay is "2" ["2"] how long to delay displaying accuracy below the scoreboard if it's too far down
hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay_minpos is "0.75" ["0.75"] delay displaying the accuracy panel only if its position is lower than this percentage of the screen height from the top
  • Don't delay displaying of the accuracy panel when the game is over

  • Darken eliminated players in the last row of the scoreboard when it lists more than one player

Merge request reports