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Bot AI improvements

terencehill requested to merge terencehill/bot_AI_improvements into master
  • Item rating:

    • Make health value comparable to armor value
    • Reduce weapon value if bot already got a good arsenal
    • Rate more small healths/armors in groups
  • Item timing:

    • Allow bots to run to powerups and megas a little time before they respawn
  • Enemy chasing:

    • Fine tune enemy rating
    • Make bots more responsive while chasing players
    • Make so that bots chase players unless they go to dangerous places. If an enemy ends up in lava/slime/water bots try to reach the closest waypoint to him
  • Movement and map navigation fixes/improvements

    • Find a new goal as soon as the item bot is running to gets taken by someone else
    • Allow bots to roam on the map even if there's no item to pick up (playing CA or with g_pickup_items 0). It fixes #1844 (closed)
    • Fix speed checks. The broken loose goal touching check when running was occasionally causing bots carrying the enemy flag to get stuck right in front of their own base
    • Make detection of obstacles that can be jumped over if bot stopped for some reason a bit more reliable
    • Fix drunk-like behaviour of certain bots when skill is set to a high value
    • Improve jumppad handling
    • If for some reason bot doesn't get close to the current goal find another one. It fixes bots getting stuck for a few seconds if they take an unexpected route (it replaces head-banging against walls check)
    • Improve loose goal touching check when not running (useful to dumb bots like Lion)

Merge request reports