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Luma vehicle HUD revision

sev requested to merge sev/luma_hud_vehicles into master

I intended to update some of the vehicle HUD images, but ended up rewriting the vehicle HUD drawing code as well.

Changes from a developers perspective:

  • The server sends more consistent vehicle stats, especially for secondary ammo.
  • All vehicles now use a common HUD drawing function.
  • All HUD images are drawn in relation to the frame image, rather than being measured individually.
  • All vehicle crosshairs are scaled consistently, with cl_vehicles_crosshair_size.
  • Update: The vehicle images are now fully integrated with the existing HUD themes.

Changes from a players perspective:

  • Improved and more consistent crosshairs, also with a special healing crosshair for the Bumblebee.
  • Secondary ammo is better represented. The bar shows the total ammo left, instead of reloading after each shot.
    While the weapon is unusable during recharge, the icon is grayed out.
  • Icons and bars are colored, using the health/armor colors from the main HUD for consistency.


Merge request reports