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Added new cl_hooks, menu_cmd isdemo and fixed demoseeking.cfg

Dr. Jaska requested to merge drjaska/demohooks into master

This branch documents cl_hook_game* implementation with some comments and adds start and end hooks for demos as those were missing and game hooks were not fired during demos.

Hook explanations:

  • cl_hook_gamestart hook is still only fired when a gamemode is init'd or with nop fallback if that hasn't happened before VM shutdown

  • cl_hook_gameend hook now with a breaking change no longer fires at the start of an intermission if a gamestart hook has been called OR when the CSQC VM shuts down. It is now always only called when the CSQC VM shuts down

  • cl_hook_intermission is now a separate hook from cl_hook_gameend which is only fired when an intermission starts if a gamestart hook has been called

  • a new cl_hook_demostart hook is now fired when a gamemode is properly init'd while playing a demo

  • a new cl_hook_demointermission hook is now fired if a gamemode has been properly init'd and an intermission starts running in a demo

  • a new cl_hook_demoend hook is now fired when the CSQC VM shuts down while playing a demo

New menu_cmd isdemo

Now there is a way to live check if your client is running a demo or not from the console. If menu_cmd isdemo is called without an argument then it will create a new cvar _menu_isdemo while if it called with an argument like set asdf "69";menu_cmd isdemo asdf then it'll write into asdf either a 1 or a 0 depending on if a demo is playing or not.

Breaking changes:

None anymore.

Backwards compatibility issues:

Old servers and old demos will never have cl_hook_demo* hooks. This means that they can not be used for any fancy stuff as they depend on demo age and servers to update.


Reworked how demos are detected to allow forward seeking in demos for engine master branch clients with new demos. When darkplaces#397 (closed) is fixed master engine branch is able to seek backwards too without manually setting _current_demo_name "demos/asdf.dem"

Cruft Removal:

  • _demo_is_playing variable is no longer needed at all AFAIK and thus it was removed
  • alias cl_hook_gamestart_all "demoseeking_game_started" is no longer needed to be set by the player in their configs
  • _demoseeking_playdemo_check hack which depended on weird behavior which changed in master branch which broke the hack
Edited by Dr. Jaska

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