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re-allow main menu to play music when coming back to it

Dr. Jaska requested to merge drjaska/menu-music into master

Closes #2866 (closed)

Re-allow main menu to play music when coming back to it from places like campaign, demos, listen servers, online servers, etc. which unload/undraw the menu.

There used to be a "hidden" cvar created by the code called menu_video_played which had no description. It was used to not play the menu_cdtrack nor the disabled welcome announcement when the main menu was loaded for the first time. I have renamed it to menu_no_music_nor_welcome, properly initialized it as a cvar in xonotic-client.cfg and given it a description so some people might actually use it, not only people who have read the code. For clarity THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE for like one or two users who have read the code or heard about it from someone else who has. Far, far more people have just muted all music audio though.

Reverts 6d1c5d96

I also regrouped most of the menu_ cvars together in xonotic-client.cfg. I ignored the sandbox, the serverlist, etc. though.

Merge request reports