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Resolve "Setting a weapon's primary damage to 1 causes extremely overpowered push"

Dr. Jaska requested to merge drjaska/2809-splashdmgforcecalcfix into master

Closes #2809 (closed)

If splash has inverted damage falloff (smaller core damage than edge damage) choose edge or core damage variables depending which is higher for force and accuracy calc so that damage falloff is still inverted but force is not.

This fixes:

  • a bug with force calc with inverted falloff where force would be multiplied greatly instead of falling off.
  • accuracy_add having wrong accuracy results for inverted core/edge damage
  • commented out debug print being in the wrong scope

This branch does modify gameplay but as none of the bots fire splash weapons which have higher coredamage than edgedamage the pipeline hash stays the same.

Edited by Dr. Jaska

Merge request reports