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q3df compat: add support for target_fragsFilter spawnflags

Juhu requested to merge Juhu/q3df_fragsfilter_flags into master

This adds support for the spawnflags used by target_fragsFilter, there are 4 spawnflags of which one is unused even in q3df. The 3 implemented spawnflags are:

  • remover: consumes the frags that were needed to trigger it
  • silent: hides the "x more frags needed" message (the message was also added in this branch, it was previously not present)
  • reset: resets the frags to zero.

One map which makes use of them is r7-blockworld1 where you can buy weapons and boosts, the currency being scripted with target_fragsFilter.

Edited by Juhu

Merge request reports