Fix mismatching player sorting between server and client
Fix mismatching player sorting between server (XonStats scoreboard) and client (game scoreboard)
tweak player sorting priority a little bit
Ignore elo and fps sorting players in the server (client scoreboard already does)
- Don't initialize the teamkill score field in games without teams so it no longer appears in the complete layout (scoreboard_columns_set all)
Edited by terencehill
Merge request reports
assigned to @terencehill
added 1 commit
- 7299b6f0 - Make keepaway registration order consistent. It doesn't change player sorting...
Differences between current and new player sorting priority
current (client) current (server) new (client and server) primary primary primary secondary secondary secondary - race_fastest race_laps - race_laps race_time - race_time race_fastest - assault_objectives assault_objectives - ctf_drops ctf_caps - ctf_captime ctf_fckills - ctf_caps ctf_returns - ctf_returns ctf_drops - ctf_fckills ctf_pickups - ctf_pickups ctf_captime - dom_ticks dom_takes - dom_takes dom_ticks - freezetag_revivals freezetag_revivals - keepaway_carrierkills keepaway_bctime - keepaway_bctime keepaway_carrierkills - keepaway_pickups keepaway_pickups - kh_losses kh_caps - kh_destroys kh_kckills - kh_pushes kh_losses - kh_kckills kh_destroys - kh_caps kh_pushes - kh_pickups kh_pickups - lms_lives lms_rank - lms_rank lms_lives - nexball_faults nexball_goals - nexball_goals nexball_faults - ons_caps ons_caps - ons_takes ons_takes - fps - - elo - - teamkills score kills suicides kills deaths deaths deaths - kills teamkills suicides dmgtaken suicides dmg dmg dmg dmgtaken score dmgtaken NOTES:
- current server's sorting priority is the inverse score registration order (from common/scores.qh), however in this table I rearranged gamemode score groups (without altering sorting priority since gamemode scores are independent of each other) so they are next to server's new sorting priority and it's easier to see the changes I did in the new sorting priority.
- some gamemode scores are primary and secondary (race_laps, race_time, assault_objectives, keepaway_bctime, lms_lives, lms_rank, kh_caps, ctf_caps, nexball_goals, nexball_faults, ons_caps) and can be ignored
- 'score' usually is primary and can be ignored
added Topic: XonStat and scoring label
added 464 commits
7299b6f0...15585913 - 463 commits from branch
- d2a58818 - Merge branch 'master' into terencehill/player_sorting
7299b6f0...15585913 - 463 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 72b4ff94
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