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  • Garux's avatar
    Q3map2: · dfce2da5
    Garux authored
    	disable fastnormalize for light: was increasing dirt from arealights, lighting with acute angle
    	* QE tool: alt + m1 drag in primitives mode:
    		click face = clicked faces shear
    	* m3 in texbro: select texture w/o applying to selection
    	* `: XYFocusOnSelected
    	* ctrl + shift + e: Select Connected Entities
    	* search in shortcuts list
    	* edit shortcuts on m1 dbl click
    	* edit shortcuts fix: could highlight a few rows for editing
    	* texbro: toggle off hideUnused on loading a tag
    	* fix of: undo something, select tex in texbro, no redo available
    	* epsilon in resize brush selector to prevent perpendicular faces pickup
    	* clone group entity primitives to separate entity on cloneSelectedMakeUnique
    	* Focus on Selected option in Entity List (focus cam and center xy)
    	* entity inspector: connected entities walker (select target / targeting / both)(focus)