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split q3map2's main.c to smaller files to make it easier to maintain

Thomas Debesse requested to merge illwieckz/netradiant:split into master

Hi, this MR splits main.c from q3map2 to minimap.c, convert_bsp.c, help.c, bsp_scale.c, bsp_info.c, bsp_analyze.c, fixaas.c to make it easier to maintain. It changes nothing to the way q3map2 works, it just splits files to make cleaner and easier to work on that codebase.


$ wc -l main.c
2251 main.c


$ wc -l main.c minimap.c convert_bsp.c help.c bsp_scale.c bsp_info.c bsp_analyze.c fixaas.c
  279 main.c
  779 minimap.c
  269 convert_bsp.c
  393 help.c
  355 bsp_scale.c
   94 bsp_info.c
  195 bsp_analyze.c
  110 fixaas.c
 2474 total

Merge request reports