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  • Thomas Debesse's avatar
    plugins: chose Radiant IQM plugin, iqmmodel for macOS, picomodel for everything else · 35024695
    Thomas Debesse authored
    The picomodel IQM code makes NetRadiant crash on macOS.
    No one has found time to investigate this in month.
    We need a working NetRadiant IQM plugin to load
    Unvanquished game entity models on macOS, the
    plugin from AAradiant (AlienArena project) is
    known to work.
    Q3map2 uses picomodel to load IQM on all platforms
    because iqmmodel plugin is radiant-only, so there
    may be a remaining bug when baking IQM models in BSP
    with q3map2 on macOS (not tested), but editing a map
    with IQM entity models and misc_animated_models will
    not crash NetRadiant.
    This patch makes possible to release a macOS NetRadiant
    build that don't crash when rendering IQM models.
    We should fix picomodel crash with IQM on macOS in any way,
    because it is believed q3map2 may need it, but waiting for
    a picomodel fix will not delay any NetRadiant release.
    One can force NetRadiant to be built against a given IQM
    plugin (for example to debug it) whatever the pl...