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  • Jeff King's avatar
    docs: drop asciidoc7compatible flag · bf171262
    Jeff King authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    When we made the switch to supporting asciidoc 8 in 4c7100a9
    (Documentation: adjust to AsciiDoc 8, 2007-06-14), we were
    able to leave most of the documentation intact by defining
    Since commit 6cf378f0 (docs: stop using asciidoc no-inline-literal,
    2012-04-26), we don't support versions of asciidoc older
    than 8.4.1, which is when inline literals were introduced.
    Therefore there is not much point in keeping our
    documentation compatible with asciidoc 7.
    So we are now free to drop the asciidoc7compatible flag and
    update the documentation itself to assume asciidoc8.
    Fortunately, doing the latter is very easy; we weren't using
    any of the constructs impacted by asciidoc7compatible, so
    there are no changes to make.
    The reason is somewhat subtle. The asciidoc7compatible
    affects only super/sub-scripts ("^" and "~") and index
    terms. We don't use the latter at all. Nor we do we use the
    former, but we did have to protect them from accidental
    expansion in constructs like "rev^1". However, all of our
    uses of "~" and "^" are either in code blocks (which are
    rendered literally), or inside backticks. Prior to 6cf378f0,
    backticks were not inline literals, and needed proper
    quoting. But post-6cf378f0
    , we don't have to worry whether we
    are using the old or new rules, as those characters are not
    interpreted at all in either case.
    I verified that the result of "make install-html
    install-man" is identical before and after this patch on
    asciidoc 8.6.7.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>