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  • Johan Herland's avatar
    Make "git notes add" more user-friendly when there are existing notes · 84a7e35e
    Johan Herland authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Currently, "notes add" (without -f/--force) will abort when the given object
    already has existing notes. This makes sense for the modes of "git notes add"
    that would necessarily overwrite the old message (when using the -m/-F/-C/-c
    options). However, when no options are given (meaning the notes are created
    from scratch in the editor) it is not very user-friendly to abort on existing
    notes, and forcing the user to run "git notes edit".
    Instead, it is better to simply "redirect" to "git notes edit" automatically,
    i.e. open the existing notes in the editor and let the user edit them.
    This patch does just that.
    This changes the behavior of "git notes add" without options when notes
    already exist for the given object, but I doubt that many users really depend
    on the previous failure from "git notes add" in this case.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohan Herland <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>