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RISC-V basic compilation

The patch provides a minimal amount of changes to start build and run minimal Xen binary at GitLab CI&CD that will allow continuous checking of the build status of RISC-V Xen.

RISC-V Xen can be built by the following instructions: $ CONTAINER=riscv64 ./automation/scripts/containerize
make XEN_TARGET_ARCH=riscv64 tiny64_defconfig $ CONTAINER=riscv64 ./automation/scripts/containerize
make XEN_TARGET_ARCH=riscv64 -C xen build

RISC-V Xen can be run as: $ qemu-system-riscv64 -M virt -smp 1 -nographic -m 2g
-kernel xen/xen

To run in debug mode should be done the following instructions: $ qemu-system-riscv64 -M virt -smp 1 -nographic -m 2g
-kernel xen/xen -s -S

In separate terminal:

$ riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu-gdb $ target remote :1234 $ add-symbol-file <xen_src>/xen/xen-syms 0x80200000 $ hb *0x80200000 $ c # it should stop at instruction j 0x80200000

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