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Simao Gomes Viana authored
Beware of potential bugs
Simao Gomes Viana authoredBeware of potential bugs
adapter.go 3.56 KiB
package database
import (
type SchemaSyncOptions struct {
// Whether to remove columns from the database
// that can't be found in models.
// *This is a potentially destructive option, only
// enable if you're absolutely sure you want to remove
// old columns*
// Note that this may not have an effect on document
// or graph databases.
RemoveOrphanedColumns bool
// Model names (in case the collections have a different name)
ModelNames []string
type InnerTransactionFunc func(MutationAdapter) error
type TransactionFunc func(txDb *Collection) error
type MutationAdapter interface {
CreateCollectionFromModel(name string, model interface{}, ifNotExists bool) error
Insert(collectionName string, obj interface{}) error
Update(collectionName string, obj interface{}) error
Delete(collectionName string, obj interface{}) error
// Use this interface to implement a database interface
// This will be used by the abstraction layer
type Adapter interface {
SyncSchema(options SchemaSyncOptions, models ...interface{}) error
Close() error
Select(collectionName string, args interface{}) (interface{}, error)
SelectInto(collectionName string, args interface{}, model interface{}) error
SelectAdvanced(collectionName string, model interface{}, query *SelectQuery) error
DataFromDatabaseUsingResolveParams(objArr interface{}, modelType reflect.Type, p graphql.ResolveParams) error
RunInTransaction(InnerTransactionFunc) error
// MutationAdapterOverlay overlays the methods of the
// mutation adapter on top of the Adapter ones.
// This is mainly used to provide the abstracted RunInTransaction
// functionality while keeping the database API the same
type MutationAdapterOverlay struct {
fullAdapter Adapter
mutationAdapter MutationAdapter
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) SyncSchema(options SchemaSyncOptions, models ...interface{}) error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.SyncSchema(options, models)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) Close() error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.Close()
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) Select(collectionName string, args interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return overlay.fullAdapter.Select(collectionName, args)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) SelectInto(
collectionName string, args interface{}, model interface{}) error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.SelectInto(collectionName, args, model)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) SelectAdvanced(
collectionName string, model interface{}, query *SelectQuery) error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.SelectAdvanced(collectionName, model, query)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) CreateCollectionFromModel(name string, model interface{}, ifNotExists bool) error {
return overlay.mutationAdapter.CreateCollectionFromModel(name, model, ifNotExists)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) Insert(cn string, obj interface{}) error {
return overlay.mutationAdapter.Insert(cn, obj)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) Update(cn string, obj interface{}) error {
return overlay.mutationAdapter.Update(cn, obj)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) Delete(cn string, obj interface{}) error {
return overlay.mutationAdapter.Delete(cn, obj)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) DataFromDatabaseUsingResolveParams(objArr interface{}, modelType reflect.Type, p graphql.ResolveParams) error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.DataFromDatabaseUsingResolveParams(objArr, modelType, p)
func (overlay MutationAdapterOverlay) RunInTransaction(fn InnerTransactionFunc) error {
return overlay.fullAdapter.RunInTransaction(fn)