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Horizontal Regridder for MITRAS data

This implements a class able to regridd rectilinear grids in the style of MITRAS data. The HorizontalRegridder is placed directly after the Reader and outputs a regular lon/lat-grid to be used by the rest of Met.3D. For more informations about the algorithm see the Bachelor's thesis of Alexander Klassen.

This class is part of !260, but improves and fixes a few things.

  • MStructuredGrids are no longer edited, which used to corrupt the MemoryManager.
  • Replaced std with qt.
  • Missing values are handled.

Note about how the regridded grid should look (explanation of Klassen's thesis):
The Regridder is for MITRAS data, which is rectilinear, with a large regular grid at the center and a few lower resolution grid-cells near the edge. The idea behind this regridder was to keep the grid at the center and only regrid the edges while keeping the same amount of grid cells.

Note about missing value handling (implemented by me):
Because of floating point errors the original and regridded grid points might not match exactly even though they should be the same. When interpolating, neighboring missing values might be used resulting in missing values in the regridded grid. This is fixed by falling back on nearest neighbor interpolation (if close to a original grid point) or linear interpolation on the nearest cell-edge (if on an cell-edge)

Edited by Maximilian Hartz

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