- Mar 07, 2025
- Mar 05, 2025
- Mar 04, 2025
- Mar 02, 2025
While there is no requirement to use it as it does not apply to the same class, it is probably better to keep a sense of how CapBank is trying to achieve transaction listing. The Transaction objects creation condition are refactored to account for the new parameters and the previously set coming attribute.
- Mar 01, 2025
Ludovic LANGE authored
Ludovic LANGE authored
Ludovic LANGE authored
Le module bred permet désormais de lister / récupérer les relevés de comptes associés aux personnes morales (sociétés). (Il est certainement possible d'ajouter la même fonctionnalité pour des comptes de personnes physiques - mais je n'en ai pas à disposition.)
- Feb 28, 2025
Some bank modules such as societegenerale provide basic information about loan payments. Use it to map to the proper OFX aggregate. This aggregate was introduced in OFX 2.2.
Refactor OFX export to implement OFX 2.2 support. Main changes are OFX 2.2 requires valid XML format. Use lxml to ease manipulation of the document. Jump straight to 2.2 as it supports: - A mechanism for pending transactions. - A defined approach for account obfuscation (masking). - Multiple new tags related to loans.
Modules that implement `Transaction._transfer_account` now benefit proper mapping in OFX export.
Some banks such as Société Générale allow access to this information. If the module extracts it, use it.
Category is extracted from transaction wording. It reflects the nature of the transaction and not really the extra information that the OFX specification imply this should be used for. See 3.2.6 Memo <MEMO> and the example provided in <STMTTRN>. If the module sets a more detailled `_memo`, use it.
FITID is the transaction ID issued by financial institution. It seems more appropriate to use `Transaction.id` when available. At least for modules such as societegenerale, either this or the raw value of `idOpe` appear to match FITID definition.
Thanks to schwifty, it is easy to fill this information now. BRANCHID and ACCTKEY are optional per specification so they only appear in the output document if necessary.
According to OFX specifications, these fields are not necessary nor optional in a CCACCTFROM definition. See 11.3.2 Credit Card Account <CCACCTFROM> and <CCACCTTO>.
By calling a detail page for each transaction, we can gather more details about the transaction, in particular the whole `raw` label of the transaction. Cf #684
Today I had the opportunity to fix error detection as the "Impots" website was under maintenance.
Ludovic LANGE authored
Ludovic LANGE authored