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Add a Falco Bridge plugin

Gerald Combs requested to merge geraldcombs/wireshark:falco-bridge into master

Add a Falco Bridge plugin, a dissector plugin that can load Falco plugins and dissect log events.

This MR has a lot of commits. While we normally prefer to squash them, I left them intact in order to keep the original work of each author and the evolution of the code intact.

This adds code which links with, which is Apache 2.0. As far as I can tell, this should be OK, but it means that license compatibility is attained via the GPLv2's "any later version" provision:

This also appears to be "good enough for Debian":

Libsinsp/libscap also have a C++ API, so this is a hybrid C/C++ plugin.

Edited by Gerald Combs

Merge request reports