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  • Guy Harris's avatar
    radiotap, wlancap, wiretap: make the "phy" reflect the packet modulation. · 31dc280d
    Guy Harris authored
    Do more fixups of the "phy" based on the data rate, so that it reflects
    the modulation used for the packet.
    Note, in comments, why we're doing this, and that there's no reiable
    way, in radiotap, to determine the type of channel on which capturing is
    being done, as some packet providers use the channel field to indicate
    the channel type and others use it to indicate the modulation.
    Only provide the "short preamble" for "11b", as that's now being used to
    mean "DSSS modulation" - packets on an 11g channel will be marked as
    "11g" if they're OFDM or "11b" if they're DSSS.
    Make some other cleanups while we're at it.