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  • Guy Harris's avatar
    Move the Winsock initialization and cleanup to wsutil routines. · 2ee483a2
    Guy Harris authored
    Those routines exist on both Windows and UN*X, but they don't do
    anything on UN*X (they could if it were ever necessary).
    That eliminates some #ifdefs, and also means that the gory details of
    initializing Winsock, including the Winsock version being requested,
    are buried in one routine.
    The initialization routine returns NULL on success and a pointer to a
    g_malloc()ated error message on failure; report the error to the user,
    along with a "report this to the Wireshark developers" suggestion.
    That means including wsutil/socket.h, which obviates the need to include
    some headers for socket APIs, as it includes them for you.
    Change-Id: I9327bbf25effbb441e4217edc5354a4d5ab07186
    Petri-Dish: Guy Harris <>
    Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot
    Reviewed-by: default avatarGuy Harris <>