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Voice call ground work

Ruben De Smet requested to merge voice-call into main

Very draft.

Useful links:

Towards &4

Building webrtc is a PITA.

LibWebRTC task list

  • Document building patched webrtc in a blog post.
  • Fetch built webrtc from some webserver, hard-code SHA384s.
  • Allow switching out OpenSSL3 and OpenSSL1 libwebrtc.a based on the sailfish feature flag. whatever we need.
  • Allow switching out libwebrtc.a builds that don't match the SHA384, utter a warning. Always error out if it's an old hash; allow invalid hashes with a compile option?

Voice calling task list

  • Implement synchronize messages from sync device (sync device takes/declines a call, ...) (seems to work!)
  • Implement sync messages from WF to sync devices ("I took the call", mainly, I think)
Edited by Ruben De Smet

Merge request reports
