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Don't use TextField.rightItem on SFOS 3.4

Matti Viljanen requested to merge fix-sfos-3.4 into master

As Sailfish 3.4 doesnt have property rightItem in its TextField and PasswordField, do not set value to the property if it doesn't exist. Additionally, don't use rightItem with PasswordField at all, because it is used by the show password icon button already (and changing it after creation doesn't seem to have any effect). The previous errorHighlight property is used instead.

Includes inputMethodHints changes and fixes LinkedDevicesPage.qml layout issues, which were quite significant with the mile-long device "names" in my case.

Actually tested this time, both on the emulator with a mock-up application, and on real devices running SFOS 4.4.0 and SFOS 3.4.0.

Fixes #449 (closed)

Merge request reports