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  • Alexandre Biche's avatar
    :bulb:docs(docker): update MySQL terminal command · 06ef605b
    Alexandre Biche authored
    - Update the MySQL terminal command in `back/src/wrapper/mysql.js`.
    - Add the `makeUri()` method to create the MySQL URI with user, password, host, and port.
    - The URI will be used for connecting to the MySQL server via the terminal.
    :art:front(classes): add `terminalCmd` method to `driver.ts`
    - Add the `terminalCmd()` method to `driver.ts` to generate the terminal command for interacting with the selected server.
    - The command will be used to connect to the server via the terminal.
    :sparkles:feat(connection): add terminal and URI buttons
    - Add terminal and URI buttons to the connection component in the HTML template.
    - The terminal button will copy the terminal command to the clipboard.
    - The URI button will copy the server URI to the clipboard.
    :recycle:refactor(drivers): override methods in subclasses
    - Override the `docs`, `node
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