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Report test coverage % to GitLab instance

Jørgen Svennevik Notland requested to merge jQrgen/wally:ci_test_coverage into mp

Reports total code coverage % for jvm, android and common source sets to the GitLab instance

Uses the official kotlin coverage reporter Kover (ALFA)

Coverage is reported to GitLab from the codeCoveragePercent job with the following line:

coverage: '/application line coverage: ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)%/' # Reports coverage to GitLab

The regular expression reads the code coverage percentage from the ./gradlew koverLog logs and report it to GitLab

Job MR
Screenshot_2024-03-19_at_18.19.35 Screenshot_2024-03-19_at_18.20.08
Edited by Jørgen Svennevik Notland

Merge request reports