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[Deprecated] iOS Background jobs

Jørgen Svennevik Notland requested to merge jQrgen/wally:ios_background into mp

Moved to: !131 (merged)

An attempt to schedule an iOS background jobs for syncing accounts in the background while the app is inactive

Push a button to schedule a background job to be picked by the all mighty scheduler

Local push notifications for debugging purposes

Should background jobs be implemented in the libnexakotlin library instead of here?

The RefreshAppContentsOperation implementation is an experimental wildshot

The background tasks are:


An object representing a short task typically used to refresh content that’s run while the app is in the background.

Shorter, about 30 sec.

The scheduler will pick this job more frequently


A time-consuming processing task that runs while the app is in the background.

AKA: Do stuff while the app is charging.

Can run longer

Scheduler pick interval can be 10-20 hours


WARNING: Simulators do not support background processing

e -l objc -- (void)[[BGTaskScheduler sharedScheduler] _simulateLaunchForTaskWithIdentifier:@"info.bitcoinunlimited.www.wally.scheduler"]

Edited by Jørgen Svennevik Notland

Merge request reports