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Cleanup Codebase, Simplify Build System, and Provide Simple Public API

Jacob Anderson requested to merge andersonjwan/stpl:main into main

In its current version, the project structure could use some attention. This Merge Request (MR) attempts to resolve a couple quality-of-life issues including: (1) simplified build system, (2) removal of unneeded project artifacts (e.g., DLLs, arbitrary outputs, etc), and (3) support for public API that enables the SPTL monitor to be used by other code frameworks.

From the build system, the most notable changes include:

  1. The monitor configuration library (in C++) is built as a separate shared object
  2. The STPL monitor (tool) is built as an stpl-monitor binary with support for installation into the default binary path
  3. The STPL shared object is now installed and linked against the binary.

p.s., I have not yet tested the build/installation process on macOS or Windows, so this needs testing. I assume the Windows build system will be the most troubling to smoothen support.

Merge request reports