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  • arnout's avatar
    treewide: remove USE_USER_TMP_PATH · 18d647bb
    arnout authored
    The USE_USER_TMP_PATH CMake option sets TMP_PATH to /tmp/<user>/beerocks
    instead of the normal /tmp/beerocks. The reasoning behind this is to be
    able to run prplmesh on a shared server with several users. However,
    this is not possible anyway: prplmesh must be run as root, and there can
    be only one instance running at a time.
    The USE_USER_TMP_PATH is causing a lot of issues all over. It requires
    to run prplmesh as the same user as what it was built with. This, in
    turn, makes it impossible to use the artifacts from CI locally.
    Since this feature is anyway useless, remove it. Update all the places
    that refer to /tmp/$USER/beerocks: in, in dummy bwl README, in
    the dummy event handling in tests, in the mapping of the log directory
    volumes in docker/ and, and in
    Fix some whitespace errors in top-level CMakeLists.txt (automatic by
    Signed-off-by: default avatarArnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <>