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  • Eric Biggers's avatar
    crypto: skcipher - prevent using skciphers without setting key · f8d33fac
    Eric Biggers authored and Herbert Xu's avatar Herbert Xu committed
    Similar to what was done for the hash API, update the skcipher API to
    track whether each transform has been keyed, and reject
    encryption/decryption if a key is needed but one hasn't been set.
    This isn't as important as the equivalent fix for the hash API because
    symmetric ciphers almost always require a key (the "null cipher" is the
    only exception), so are unlikely to be used without one.  Still,
    tracking the key will prevent accidental unkeyed use.  algif_skcipher
    also had to track the key anyway, so the new flag replaces that and
    simplifies the algif_skcipher implementation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Biggers <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHerbert Xu <>