new mobs
By opening this merge request, you agree to release your code and all other changes under the GPL 3 license and to abide by the terms set by this license. -
Significant changes of this merge request have been added to the changelog.
bring relevant mob skeletons in-line with humans, utilizing configs and setting up species/gender traits to describe mobs -
add "critter" skeleton for very small scale mobs -
bring the number of non-humanoid species in-game from 2 to 30 -
correct inconsistencies in naming scheme and formatting -
realize i've been doing everything wrong -
panic -
get sharp and zesterer to carry me out of trouble -
finish setting up versatile skel_attribute system -
simplify config format and haul out all the mistakes -
rebuild all the mobs -
bring everything to full animation
Edited by Justin Shipsey