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Fix translation conflict

Otto Richter requested to merge veloren/dev/veloren:weblate-translation into master

Due to !4350 (merged), there have been merge conflicts with parallel changes in Weblate.

This situation was hard to avoid at this point, because there were actual conflicts where both the above PR and a translator in Weblate modified strings.

Going forward, I propose the following for translation updates outside Weblate:

  • changes that only affect the English source files can be merged at any time
  • changes that modify translated language files can only be merged in coordination with Weblate
    • translations from Weblate are all committed ("Commit pending changes")
    • the translations are pushed and a merge request is opened
    • the translations are locked in Weblate for modifications
    • the Weblate MR is merged, Weblate remains locked
    • after resolving potential merge conflicts itself, the external changes are merged
    • after all changes are in the master branch, Weblate is updated and unlocked
  • Updating translated language files must only happen when they are in sync with Weblate, and Weblate is locked to prevent conflicting modifications

Merge request reports