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Fix #877

Eshed Shaham requested to merge ashdnazg/veloren:fix-stuck-movement into master
  • By opening this merge request, you agree to release your code and all other changes under the GPL 3 license and to abide by the terms set by this license.
  • Migrations have been added if applicable No necessary migrations.
  • Significant changes of this merge request have been added to the changelog. No significant changes.

Switched from relying on winit's WindowEvent to DeviceEvent which happens immediately and doesn't do any key repeat. This required keeping track on which keys are pressed and which not, in order to automatically release all keys when the window loses focus. Synthetic WindowEvent::KeyboardInput events are still handled, so keys pressed when the window gains focus are not ignored.

A byproduct of this change is that key repeats will not happen anymore to GameInput stuff. I suspect it wasn't necessary to begin with, but if it is some adaptation will be required.

Key repetitions in widgets still works perfectly well.

Edited by Eshed Shaham

Merge request reports