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Draft: Redo11/sound revolution

Redo11 requested to merge Redo11/Sound-revolution into master
  • By opening this merge request, you agree to release your code and all other changes under the GPL 3 license and to abide by the terms set by this license.
  • Migrations have been added if applicable
  • Significant changes of this merge request have been added to the changelog.
  1. Flowing water sound being low quality Flowing water sound (playing near rivers) is extremely filtered and low quality.
  2. Stone footsteps sound is weird Sounds like boiling water, is annoying and distracting.
  3. Campfire sound being repetitive (brought up again) Yea there is an issue on campfire sound being repetitive already (#846 (closed))
  4. Wind sound too loud (needs discussion) For my opinion it's too loud and strong, could be fixed with redesign of audio settings.
  5. Gem collecting sounds like broken glass Check it out and write better describtion later

Merge request reports