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Upgrade to .Net8, removed all embedded dependencies.

Dmitriy Ivanov requested to merge dev/dotnet8 into main
  1. Dotnet part upgraded to .Net8
  2. node-api-dotnet embedded custom build replaced to the dependency on the official npm package
  3. Added dynamic download of the DotNet Desktop dotnet runtime, if it's not found on the system.
  4. Improved scripts to generate final flaui-js npm zip archive
  5. Added Third Party Notices file to the source code.
  6. Version bump from 0.0.3 to 0.1.0
  7. Enabled Central Package Management for nuget packages in .Net solution
  8. node packages folder renames
  9. other minor codebase maintenance tasks and small improvements.
Edited by Dmitriy Ivanov

Merge request reports