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Resolve "Implement interaction manipulation mechanisms"

Yunus Sevinchan requested to merge 17-ia-modification into master

This MR ...

  • Extends the ODESystem state type to the structured BDEState type, containing B, D, and E vectors
  • Implements and integrates the Environment into ODESystem
    • Controllable via the with_envmod template tag, environment interaction can now be enabled.
    • If enabled, dynamics are changed such that energy is diverted to a species-specific depot and then distributed into the environment reservoirs.
    • Depending on the fill levels of the environment reservoir, interactions may be inhibited or excited
    • Full store and restore support ... (that was a tricky one)
  • Other notable changes:
    • 💥 6b78117d fixes a bug in the attack rate computation
      • 🎉 🎉 🎉 This seems to fix the issue with ever-rising species number!!!
    • 💥 329a30ac changes the order of processes in perform_step
      • ... avoiding to store the system in a weird intermediate state
    • There now is a logger integrated into ODESystem, making debugging easier
    • Added ODESystem::print_info as an action
    • Mutation parameters are outsourced into MutationParams struct

Closes #17 (closed)

Edited by Yunus Sevinchan

Merge request reports