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Resolve "Fix and extend mutation mechanisms"

Yunus Sevinchan requested to merge 15-fix-and-extend-mutation-mechanisms into master
  • Make bounds for m, f, s config-controllable
  • low priority Add a mode parameter and allow specifying different lambdas to determine m, f, s?
  • low priority Add an "inheritance factor" that determines in how far the mutations are based on the parent's properties
  • low priority Make it possible to choose the parent species in a weighted fashion, i.e. depending on number of individuals (B_i/m_i) in a species
  • Allow species close to the extinction threshold to also mutate ...
    • For problems observed with the previous behaviour, see
    • Allow random extinction ... might even take energy from environment to conserve energy (better than distorting the mutation process)
  • low priority (Look up further extensions from Allhoff publications)

Remaining tasks are kept track of in #15 ...

Edited by Yunus Sevinchan

Merge request reports