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Add floating text that faces the camera (some parts are WIP)

Inside Assets/_VRArchive/Prefabs, I created "FloatingLabelPrefab".

Inside Assets/_VRArchive/Scripts, I added/created "LookAtCamera.cs" & "TargetByRaycast".
-- "LookAtCamera.cs" is complete, but might need to be modified so that it accepts the camera from the 1st person view in VR. -- "TargetByRaycast.cs" is a work in progress.
---- My plan here is to make it in such a way that when a raycast from the 1st person view camera in VR, like a reticule or something, hits a FloatingLabel, the words under it ("Learn More...") will pop out, and the user/player can click on something in the controller to have a UI Panel appear with more info.

I'm pushing my changes to GitLab so that I can work on it on either of my computers.

Edited by Bernice Anne W. Chua

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