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Added command to create-issue

Peter Jaap Blaakmeer requested to merge peterjaap/push-to-repo:trunk into trunk

@uninen I know this is not the way it works, but I'm not a JS dev.

I wanted to add a feature to this repo to create an issue. I got it working locally, but I think this would be better if we could rename this repo to gitlab-cli or something, to make it more generic.

This way we could have two commands; push-to-repo and create-issue, and have a baseline to add more.

What do you think?

This is how I ran this locally;

CI_PROJECT_ID=1337 GL_PRIVATE_TOKEN=mytokengoeshoere node bin/create-issue.js -t "My test issue" --description "# Here is what I want to say 

Bla bla 

Multiline yada" --debug

Merge request reports