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Draft: Initial example with vite and react interop

Attempt to get a companion example to ts-webpack setup with vite and the react interop (ts-vite-react ) using the rollup @use-gpu/wsgl-loader I made some progress by adding a few patches (including replacing rollup-pluginutils with @rollup/pluginutils ) but when I run the example I get a crash with RESULT_CODE_HUNG. Sometimes the rest of the react page does display, but the page is unresponsive and after a while the browser crashes.

Also I'm not sure why but I have to start vite twice, as the first time I get the error Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/lodash/groupBy.js?v=a78d8a50' does not provide an export named 'default'.

To test the example:

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