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Use personal Alpine image

Pierre requested to merge alpine into master

Just created an Alpine multiarch image, FROM ulm0/alpine:v3.6 pulls an specific Alpine version based on the Docker engine host architecture, since this repository has ARM runner(s), it'll pull the ARM version of the image.

The images were created by the following steps:

  1. Get the mini root filesystem (per each arch)

    wget$ARCH/releases/armhf/alpine-minirootfs-3.6.0-$ARCH.tar.gz -O $ARCH.tar.gz
  2. Import it to a Docker image (per each arch)

    cat $ARCH.tar.gz | docker import - ulm0/alpine:v3.6-$ARCH
  3. Push the images

    docker push ulm0/alpine
  4. Play with the image manifest list

    manifest-tool push from-args --platforms "linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm,linux/arm64" \ 

--template ulm0/alpine:v3.6-ARCH --target ulm0/alpine:v3.6 ```

The benefit is this new base image reduces the resulting image footprint

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
klud/gitlab-runner   latest              cb7eb766037d        8 minutes ago       96.5 MB
klud/gitlab-runner   10.4.0              ce1b5837cb0c        7 days ago          106 MB

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