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Email notifications for publish transaction

Matt Critchlow requested to merge more-notifications into trunk

Refs #92 (closed)

Changes introduced:

  • Use MediaResource record as input to load step. This allows us to use the media record directly both in the load step as well as in the returned success branch of the transaction for sending notifications.
  • Send email notifications from publish transaction. We're currently sending from the terminus of the transaction since all failures should roll up into this single point in the code.
  • Extract Transform.file_name_to_mms_id method. This allows us to clearly define our algorithm for a MMS_ID, and re-use the method (one use case already is email notifications for failures)
  • Fix extract spec not using spec_helper 🤷
  • Ensure all errors are raised in KalturaUpload. We definitely don't want to catch/hide exceptions that are thrown when trying to interact with Kaltura. This does, however, expose issues with 2 tests which are currently being marked as skipped until further discussion is had re: how to fix them

Merge request reports