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Version 4.0

Capsia requested to merge version4 into main

Implements #5 (closed), #23 (closed), #46 (closed), #53 (closed), #54 (closed), #58 (closed), #59 (closed) and #61 (closed)

the following features were added:

  1. Rebuilt the website with Astro instead of Gridsome
    • Optimization of build time
    • Optimization of page size and load time
  2. Support for Node 16.x and 18.x
  3. Support for installer aliases file to get installer support
  4. Support for multiple releases ( including development, outdated and hidden releases ) see:
  5. Support for port variants
    • Support for defining price ranges instead of average price
  6. Support for maintainership registering and renewal see:
  7. Added text about support status of devices ( disabled until enough maintainership data is available )
  8. Advanced search options
    • Devices without installer are hidden by default
    • Devices without port status data are hidden by default
  9. Downloadable device and release YAML templates see: see:
  10. External link icon autodetection
  11. Improved validation using AJV instead of ValidatorJS
  12. Added average community sizes from push stats server
  13. Generate schema documentation automatically from validation rules see:

Fixed bugs:

  1. Inability to scroll up on links with anchors
  2. Automatically add valid Halium versions from portType.json
  3. Fix text overflow of contibutor names

Data and config:

  1. Added double touch to wake feature
Edited by Capsia

Merge request reports