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Fix tests

Fixes #35 (closed) .

This is just a part of #40

I removed a whole package (http13client) which was the golang's http client copied and pasted and which had a failing test. The only reason I found for vendoring it is this part of changelog:

  * [r=chipaca] vendor the go 1.3 development net/http bits which
    properly/better support timeouts for requests; see _using.txt and
    Makefile for the recipe in http13client

Since version 1.3, at the time of speaking, is a super old version, I believe it is better to use the one provided by the standard library.

I'd like to see this compiling on CI since when building on pdk, in test execution, I get a file not found error about testing.key not being copied into buildsources folder. Did not have this problem in my other MR

Thank you

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