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Always display time in the message bubble

I've again bumped into me really missing the time info in older messages. E.g.:

  • "Let's chat tomorrow around this time"
  • "Finally done with that"

Unless you read these kind of messages the same day and note/remember when this happened you have no way of telling when a person wrote you. Was it morning, early/late evening? So far I always need to open up a web telegram version to get that info if I am on the go, which is not good at all :(.

This is possibly not the ideal solution, but is simple without having to introduce the same way of floating date bubbles official Telegram uses.

The floating system of bubbles would require the date bubbles Teleports already has to become sticky and float over the messages as you scroll down, until you hit a next one. Perhaps ListView's header with headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader could be useful in that perspective somehow. And the date could be taken from the first visible item I guess. But on my level of skills I can't even imagine how it could work nicely with the combination of regular date bubbles there are in the scrollable message list.

As per:

Thank you!

Edited by Martin Kozub

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