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  • Samuel Holland's avatar
    sunxi: Switch to PMIC USB power supply VBUS detection · 7d5b17cc
    Samuel Holland authored
    Update boards to use the USB power supply driver, as referenced in the
    device tree, instead of a virtual GPIO. This removes the need for some
    DM-incompatible special cases in the GPIO driver.
    The following five boards used AXP0-VBUS-DETECT in their config, but are
    missing the "usb0_vbus_power-supply" property in their device tree:
     - Ainol_AW1_defconfig / sun7i-a20-ainol-aw1
     - Cubieboard4_defconfig / sun9i-a80-cubieboard4
     - Merrii_A80_Optimus_defconfig / sun9i-a80-optimus
     - Yones_Toptech_BD1078_defconfig / sun7i-a20-yones-toptech-bd1078
     - Yones_Toptech_BS1078_V2_defconfig /
    None of those five boards have the MUSB controller (USB OTG) enabled in
    their device trees, so this change should not break anything for them.
    Additionally, the following board intentionally omits the property
    because VBUS is always enabled:
     - Nintendo_NES_Classic_Edition_defconfig /
    The PHY driver alre...