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  • Philipp Tomsich's avatar
    rockchip: board: puma-rk3399: update .its file to use new features · fc76fa3c
    Philipp Tomsich authored
    This commit updates the .its file for the RK3399-Q7 to use the new
    features and demonstrates how to use those:
     * it marks the ATF as the 'firmware'
     * it tracks the OS-type for U-Boot and ATF
     * it loads the PMU (M0) firmware to DRAM and records the location
       to /fit-images (where our ATF reads it from)
    With the handoff of the next-stage FDT to ATF in place, we can now use
    this to pass information about the load addresses and names of each
    loadables to ATF: now we can load the M0 firmware into DRAM and avoid
    overwriting parts of the SPL stage.  This is achieved by changing our
    .its-file to use an available area of DRAM as the load-address.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilipp Tomsich <>
    Reviewed-by: Simon Glass's avatarSimon Glass <>