Free telephony for a free world
Packaging I may do for AlpineLinux
Apollo phone system management service for Coventry.
PBX network integration agents.
Script driven telephony application server
On-premise telephony server for voice, video, and facility integration
Debian GNU/Linux packages I made for my software
FreeBSD ports for my packages
LibeXosip2 stack integration for go.
C++17 header only library for common cross-platform networking, sockets, ssl, threading, new language features, crypto, and serial i/o support.
Packaging for my projects
SIP based softphone client integrated with apollo coventry phone system
System service and logging deamon support for go with systemd build-time option.
C++17 system command utilities
Automated agent endpoint services (familiars) for voip telephony.
Interconnect trunking proxy for coventry servers.
Modern header-only web access for C++17