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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.0.0
    a2c38931 · Release 1.0.0 ·
    Release 1.0.0
    - Remove `todoist` alias, as [Todoist Electron wrapper]( is discontinued and official Todoist AppImage is available;
    - Replace `XDG_SERIES_DIR` with `XDG_VIDS_SRS_DIR` in `user-dirs.dirs_ts`;
    - Add ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, `` initial version of ``;
    - Add `eid` and `opera` aliases to ``;
    - Add `` Sublime Text 3 plugin;
    - Update `` to select which monitor’s brightness should be changed;
    - Add an option to open a file using the functions defined in ``;
    - Add additional XDG paths to `user-dirs.dirs_ts`:
       - `XDG_BZR_DIR`;
       - `XDG_GGL_DIR`;
       - `XDG_GGL_DRIVE_DIR`;
       - `XDG_MEGA_DIR`;
       - `XDG_SVN_DIR`;
    - Add the follwoing options in `` and ``:
       - an option to disable night light mode;
       - an option to allow volume above 100 %;
       - an option to show weekday in the clock;
    - Add installers for MS Windows:
       - `7zip_choco.ps1`;
       - `chocolatey.ps1`;
       - `ff_nightly.ps1`;
       - `indi.ps1`;
       - `mailspring.ps1`;
       - `megasync_choco.ps1`;
       - `nuget.ps1`;
       - `pinutil.ps1`;
       - `richcopy.ps1`;
       - `subl.ps1`;
       - `terminal.ps1`;
       - `vcredist.ps1`;
    - Add script `ms_office_2019_activator.ps1` for MS Windows;
    - Add MS Windows settings:
       - `disable_uac.ps1`;
       - `enable_rdp.ps1`;
       - `set_execution_policy_unrestricted.ps1`;
       - `set_path_variable.ps1`;
       - `set_timezone.ps1`;
    - Rename `` to ``;
    - Move Bitwarden syncing from `` to `bw_sync` SystemD service;
    - Create a function from ``:
       - note that this function is deprecated and it will be replaced by `` in the future;
    - Make `` read the user password from Bitwarden vault;
    - Rename `` to `` and update it to install the official Todoist AppImage;
    - Make date in `` locale dependent (sort of);
    - Locally define colour variables in ``;
    - Add `kig` package to install in ``;
    - Remove `function` keyword from BASH function definitions;
    - Remove all versioning, authoring (except when there are other authors besides @tukusejssirs) and date of last change information from all files:
       - from now on, the whole repository is versioned starting from `1.0.0` using [semantic versioning](;
    - Fix ShellCheck warnings in ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, (partially) ``, ``;
    - Fix `` to accept additional parameters;
    - Make ``, ``, ``, `` executable;
    - Check if `~/.ssh/known_hosts` file already exists in ``;
    - Fix some issues in ``:
       - remove `Remmina Dhollandia` shortcut as it is not functional anymore;
       - comment out `xmodmap` commands as it does not work reliably;
       - add a setting to show hidden files in Nautilus;
    - Fix some issues in ``:
       - remove uninstallation of `gnome-weather`;
       - add a setting to hide hidden files in Nautilus;
       - source `` function;
    - Fix exit value of previous command in `PS1` (`prompt` must be the first command in `PROMPT_COMMAND`);
    - Fix some typos in ``;
    - Fix an issue in `` (we need to make sure `/opt/bin` ,folder exists);
    - Remove `user-dirs*` files initialisation from `` and `user-dirs/user-dirs.dirs_{root,ts}` and `user-dirs/user-dirs.locale_ts` (they are already present in the `.config` repository);
    - Fix some issues in `` (like using `XDG_GIT_DIR` variable instead of fixed path);
    - Fix setting keyboard shortcut for opening Nautilus (`home`) in `` and `` as it is sometimes an array and sometimes a string;
    - Add shebang to all scripts that miss it or is not located on the first line.
  • 1.1.0
    47efe4b3 · Release 1.1.0 ·
    Release 1.1.0
    - Update ``:
       - update GitHub token authentication as `access_token` is deprecated;
       - use `` function to generate all SSH keys;
       - implement uploading SSH key for Bitbucket via API;
    - Update ``:
       - separate `--full_name` from `--name` option;
       - refactor and improve some portions of the function;
       - make username optional for remote host as it was intended;
       - improve the manual help in order to better describe what is done in the function;
       - fix some ShellCheck warnings and some other syntax-related stuff.
  • 1.1.1
    19c6003c · Release 1.1.1 ·
    Release 1.1.1
    - Fix `` to use `exit` instead of `return` and install all fonts by default (as intended).
  • 1.1.10
    e0500c2a · Release 1.1.10 ·
    Release 1.1.10
    - Fix placement of unet `XDG_GIT_DIR` in ``;
    - Fix `uname -p` `unknown` value in `` and ``;
    - Fix some ShellCheck warnings in ``;
    - Replace `return` with `exit` in `` and ``;
    - Change `visible-name` of Gnome Terminal in `` and ``.
  • 1.1.11
    35bd3363 · Release 1.1.11 ·
    Release 1.1.11
    - Fix Bitwarden CLI issue in ``;
    - Update `` and ``.
  • 1.1.2
    ce8d3fc0 · Release 1.1.2 ·
    Release 1.1.2
    - Fix some issues in ``:
       - `XDG_GIT_DIR` definition when not defined;
       - use the right Git URL (SSH or HTTPS).
  • 1.1.3
    5d172ded · Release 1.1.3 ·
    Release 1.1.3
    - Update `` to install `@bitwarden/cli` via `npm`:
       - I also updated all scripts to use `$(command -v bw)` instead of the path to the locally cloned Bitwarden CLI repo;
       - remove `bw` BASH alias from ``;
    - Fix some ShellCheck issues in `.bashrc` and ``.
  • 1.1.4
    9ac40f88 · Release 1.1.4 ·
    Release 1.1.4
    - Fix some bugs in ``
       - disable error output of `source user-dirs.dirs` when the file does not exist;
       - create `~/.ssh` folder when it does not exist yet;
       - fix getting Git repo root folder using `-C` option.
  • 1.1.5
    508a9b2b · Release 1.1.5 ·
    Release 1.1.5
    - Fix `XDG_GIT_DIR` definition in ``.
  • 1.1.6
    cd28486e · Release 1.1.6 ·
    Release 1.1.6
    - Fix sourcing of `` in ``;
    - Update a bit an `if` condition in ``.
  • 1.1.7
    366711b6 · Release 1.1.7 ·
    Release 1.1.7
    - Add `--session "$BW_SESSION"` when uploading public SSH key to Bitbucket in ``;
    - Remove unnecessary comments and an `echo` from `` in ``.
  • 1.1.8
    14ca18ac · Release 1.1.8 ·
    Release 1.1.8
    - Add `--session "$BW_SESSION"` when uploading public SSH key to Bitbucket in ``;
    - Fix `XDG_GIT_DIR` definition in ``;
    - Remove output of `curl` command when uploading public SSH key to Bitbucket;
    - Remove unnecessary comments and an `echo` from `` in ``.
  • 1.1.9
    ec5bac3c · Release 1.1.9 ·
    Release 1.1.9
    - Remove output of `gpg-agent` and define `GPG_TTY` before GPG key generation in ``.