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  • Lars Grüter's avatar
    Use setuptools_scm for automatic versioning · d5415603
    Lars Grüter authored
    versioneer may be no longer actively developed [1].
    setuptools_scm seems to be a viable less complex alternative. A
    disadvantage of setuptools_scm
    is that it doesn't return the version appropriate to the current git
    repository state but the version of the repository from the last
    invocation of
    setuptools_scm uses the .devN suffix correctly [2] in that X.Y.devN
    signifies the development of the not yet released X.Y! Versioneer
    assumend X.Y to be the last release. To avoid confusion here we use the
    form with an additional .post1 suffix so that the next version number
    needn't be guessed.
    These changes also require adaptions in doc/ where the revision
    id of the release is used to link to the code on GitLab!
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